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Saturday 12 November 2011

SET A ! hohoho :D

okay lets hear my story , first one AINA . okay , dye eyh mak syea . sbb dye mcm mak syea . hhahah . dye eyh lmah lmbut org nyea , suke bgy cermah kt org , baek sgad . bendul tuh ade lhh sket . syea suke tguk dye snyum , comel  ! ( bgy syea ), dye pkar dlam bhse korea and mandrin kkdang dega mcm jampi serapah pun ade jgak ~  hohoho ,  dye salu nsiht kt syea . " ajy , x bek ckp mcm tuh " , " ank , nk knea k ? " , hhe . mcm2 , dye seorg yg caring ~ klaw bckap smpay esuk x abes ( my geng ) , hohoho .and the most one syea suke pggel dye MAK sbb prgay dye matured ( kudd ) . hhhe <3 , 
second one ebby or hadirah . eyh nmea pggilan dye kt rumh , so kteowg dgn x taw malu pun pgel dye ebby ( sbnanyea dlu dye x bgy , kmy jea degil ) ! , dye rpat dgn syea , sgad mmhmi syea . salu ade dsamping syea no mater what lhh . dye seorg yg SGAD pnyaba . ble dea jea msalah mule lhh tmnung and ckp sorg2 , syea yg tnsion tguk dyea . tpy sye gram dgn dye blea dyea dtg lmbad . dyea suke lmbad blea nk kua tuh lhh org bgun trus mndi siap neyh x , tydo blek ~ aiyooo !!!  sgad brhsie , blea didesak bru nk cter , salu wt andaian yg sndry , kkdang tuh tbe2 sesitif , seram lhh jgak dye eyh ~ 
 the last one aty a.k.a my mentor ! , sye suke pggil dye kcik ~ , sbb dye pleng pndek ( kudd ) dlm SUSE ! , tbek hormt PMR dpad 9A , mmg pnday , seorg yg suke mmbebel ~ potpetpotpet , seorg yg dgil ~ , sensitif , snang mnges ~ , pning lhh jgak lyan bdax kcik eyh ~ , hhahahahah ! tpy syea ttap syg dye ! mentor ? , dye guru syea selalu ajar syea x jemu2 wlaupun syea eyh x dega ckp ~ , salu bgy semgad kt syea sblum exam and syea rsea sgad bsmgad blea dye ckp " ajy , aku tahu kaw bole , chaiyok2 ! " hohohoh ! , suke bceritea tntg artis korea . manje ? , bole lhh blea org ejek2 dye . hahahah .  

                                                                                                                     will come set B !

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