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Thursday 15 March 2012

latihan cuti terancang k skolah eyh ?

O M G !
bm - pmbtulan paper 2 exam ,
bi - teacher bgy ketas .
math - matrices , graph of fuction and soalan spm 2005 objektif ,
sej - siap kn latihan smpay bab 7 ,
addmath - graph 3 question in buku cerdik ,
kimia - latihan electrolysis ,
physic - buku modul bab 1 ( semua ) ,
ag - ketas ustzah bgy adea 3 bab ( x slap lhh ) ,
lk - keje kursus yg dah keliru ,
 keje tuition - kimia ( alkene ) and physic ( electric )

okay aku rsea aku perlu stay dalam bilik dari pagi smpay malam utk siapkn hw eyh ,  now 60 % settle , math dengan addmath kea yg tinggal ,
sabar fatin najihah demi SPM jea ! u can do it dear ! jum kwan2 kite wt hw bersame . hheeee :)

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